Signal generators sometimes referred to as frequency synthesizers, and are the primary instruments used in all RF/microwave test and measurement systems. They are frequently used to evaluate, repair, and troubleshoot various electronic devices and machinery. They are expected to grow faster in the global test-and-measurement market in the upcoming years. Signal generators have significantly evolved from simple continuous-wave devices to complex modulation devices with greater software control, modulation capabilities, and user interfaces. Due to developments like the use of new software techniques that enhance linearity, bandwidth, and signal-generating capabilities, the market share for signal generators is increasing even more.
The modern world is connected by electronic gadgets, some of which use the Internet of Things. All electronic systems, from computers to manufacturing facilities, are being integrated via the Internet of Things (IoT), which has raised the bar for bandwidth verification testing. The demand for signal generators for various testing is also rising due to smartphones and other consumer devices. The critical driver of demand for smartphones at entry-level price points is projected to be the growing demand from the region's developing countries, such as India and Indonesia, where cell phones are increasingly affecting rural areas as local governments strive for a digital and mobile economy.
Some electronic equipment, like oscilloscopes, primarily used to monitor electrical phenomena and test, validate, and debug circuit designs, also drive the demand for testing. The primary function of an oscilloscope is to measure the voltage waveforms. Overall, different electronic devices that receive and transfer messages fuel the need for signal generators to measure the device during the testing of the appliances. The generator serves as a logic analyzer and protocol analyzer, allowing the tester to observe the anticipated results after sending the device's input signals. This identifies the gadget's behavior and makes it easier to conduct detailed studies and analyses on the electronic equipment.
Modern communication systems include cable TV, AM and FM radio, VHF, UHF, HDTV, shortwave, fire, police, telephone, fax, voice, TV, local government, and computer networking systems. Satellites, mobile phones, microwaves, coaxial cables, optical fiber, and the Internet are all examples of such mediums. The widespread adoption of wireless technology is a trend that should continue. Over the past few years, wireless technologies have significantly improved speed, latency, and service quality across the board. There have been significant breakthroughs in wireless communication.
Signal generators are crucial enabling components for wireless communications to function correctly, and advancements are driving market expansion in communication systems. Only a few of the numerous applications that fall under the category of wireless communications include broadband wireless access (WiMAX), cellular phone systems (3GPP/LTE), wireless cables, wireless local area networks (Bluetooth and Wi-Fi), the global positioning system (GPS), phased-array RF systems, RFF, smart handheld devices, etc.
Asia-Pacific is the region with the highest revenue contribution and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 9.40% over the projection period. The Asia-Pacific area has a substantial percentage of the worldwide market because of its prominent position in producing consumer electronics, semiconductors, and other telecommunications and equipment. Additionally, 50 cities in China are anticipated to have full network coverage by the end of 2020, making it the world leader in 5G technology. China is currently importing diverse international electronic equipment, and as a result, its semiconductor consumption is increasing faster than that of other countries. The most widely used 5G network services in the entire globe are expected to be introduced in 2021 by the three largest Chinese network providers, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom.
North America is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.40% over the forecast period. Demand for analog and digital function generators is rising as 5G infrastructure is increasingly used in the US telecoms sector. Most 5G technology utilization worldwide is attributable to the nation's end-user industry. The US dominates North America's regional 5G market regarding investment, acceptability, and applications. The characteristics of the 5G ultrafast wireless networks would provide the telecom industry with the necessary first boost. The US Telecom Association estimates that by 2025, US telecom operators will spend more than USD 104 billion. The 5G wireless service rollout must be completed, and present 4G networks must be upgraded to the upcoming 5G standards. These trends should lead to a wide range of opportunities for regional market expansion.