
Data Centers Driving Massive Growth in Digital Infrastructure

14 Aug, 2024 | Statistics

The world's digital economy runs smoothly on data centers, which are crucial components of infrastructure in today's digital landscape. These facilities are responsible for storing and managing vast amounts of data, providing the essential hardware that supports businesses' IT environments globally. The significance of data centers has increased, making them essential components of the global technology ecosystem as enterprises depend increasingly on digital services and data-driven initiatives.

Significant growth trend

The increasing need for digital services, cloud computing, and data storage solutions across various industries has put the global data center market on an impressive growth trajectory. Forecasts indicate that the industry would grow to USD 464.6 billion by 2032. As businesses and individuals continue to generate unprecedented volumes of data, this rise is evidence of the growing need for dependable and effective data management solutions.

By December 2023, there were around 10,978 data centers in the world. But this quick growth has its own set of difficulties. A significant obstacle facing the industry is the ongoing global power shortage, which has limited the growth of the data center market. Data center operators in every region, including Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and North America, now prioritize sourcing power. As businesses want to reduce the risks associated with power shortages, secondary markets with more plentiful power supplies will probably draw greater investment.

The need for data center capacity has increased even more with the emergence of generative AI apps like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Bard. Because these AI models need much processing power, the underlying data center infrastructure is more stressed. The need for more data center capacities will only increase as AI technologies develop and influence more industries, requiring building new facilities and the renovation of current ones.

Interestingly, Northern Virginia is the largest data center market in the world, out of all the data center markets. This region is significant because it is thought to process about one-third of all internet traffic worldwide. The overall power consumption capacity of the data centers in Northern Virginia in 2023 was 2,552 MW, a significant amount that outperform in comparison to other American markets like Dallas (654 MW) and Silicon Valley (615 MW).

Beijing has a measured capacity of 1,799 MW, making it the second-largest market in the world. Moreover, with 5,388 data centers, the United States has the most data centers worldwide. Germany is second with 522, the United Kingdom with 517, and China with 449. Other prominent countries that are important players in the global data center industry are Russia, Japan, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, and France.

Energy Consumption and Sustainability

Data centers' energy usage has increased significantly in recent years, indicative of the rising demand for computing power and digital services. Data centers used 460 TWh of electricity in 2022, making up 2% of the world's electricity use. By 2026, this amount is predicted to have more than doubled to more than 1,000 TWh.

Within data centers, the two most energy-intensive operations are compute power and cooling. The swift expansion of AI-associated services has led to significant investments by providers in GPUs that consume a lot of power, increasing energy consumption. Numerous data centers use carbon reduction tactics and procure energy from sustainable sources to address these issues. Prominent IT corporations such as AWS, Google, and Meta have taken the lead in this effort, growing to become among the world's biggest purchasers of sustainable energy since 2010.

Innovation and investment are key components of data centers' future. Over $22 billion was invested globally in data center infrastructure in only the first five months of 2024. This is the second-largest year of investment in the last ten years, after a noteworthy $36 billion investment in 2023. The cost of operating major data center services is predicted to remain high, ranging from $10 million to $25 million per year, as the sector develops.

In addition to financial investment, the data center industry is witnessing a surge in employment, with the global workforce expected to grow from 2 million in 2019 to 2.3 million by 2025. This growth is largely driven by the expanding markets in APAC, North America, and EMEA.

Data centers serve as the backbone of the digital world, providing the wide range of services that define modern life. Data centers will continue to be the front of the digital revolution, driving future technological advancements and worldwide connection with sustained innovation and investment.

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